My Patreon

Hello everyone

I'm here to say that the new update is going smoothly. Its a really big update, maybe not big in the text lenght, but in this we have added much things like reworking sprites and original music for our VN.

I'm here to pass to yall that I opened my Patreon :D In there the build shall be released and the time to it become public will be 2 weeks. I would really be grateful if you guys could help me, I pay all the costs of the VN myself with my own work, and your little support helps me a lot.

I want to make my Patreon be paid by release not monthly, but I dont know how to change it, if one of you guys could tell me to me how, I would really be glad. Thanks for all your support

Edit: I removed the date I set before, cause I was a bit imprudent to set one being that the vn dont only deppends of me to be complete and polished.

Get Between Gods and Demons


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Nice, can't wait to see what you got

so far not too much besides a Nicolai naked sprite